Stop Treating Your Calendar Like A Billboard

Written On: October 19, 2021


Written By: Robb Zbierski

Written On: October 19, 2021


Written By: Robb Zbierski

Written On: October 19, 2021


Written By: Robb Zbierski

How many times have you been driving by a billboard and actually pulled over to call or email or check the website of the company that was advertising? 
I’m betting rarely and probably never.
Unfortunately, most people treat their calendar the exact same way when they set up recurring meetings.  
If you are looking for a time management tip on how to fix that so you can start to take better control of your calendar and accomplish more of the things you want to get done, this lesson is for you.
In our latest lesson, Robb Zbierski explains why taking this approach rarely leads to you actually accomplishing anything, and gives a very simple tip for using the two hour solution to tear down those billboards so you can get to your destinations faster.
Be sure to comment below… Let us know what YOU have unproductively set up as a billboard on your calendar?


  1. Matt Harms

    Great reminder Robb Z. I know I have a few billboards out there in my calendar. I am going to address in my two hour solution this week. What has helped is that I have edited some of these “billboard” signs and specifically put in what I am going to do within those sessions, and I have to say that it has helped. Though I am not perfect at it, it is progress.

  2. Robb Zbierski

    Matt, there at least three things I love about your comment! Keep stringing together “progress” like this and you are going to get REALLY good at this REALLY quickly! And kudos on setting intention for those meetings/events. It makes all the difference! Keep rocking!

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